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oil & gas Toggle

At RSS we can assist in all phases of a project,
which means a seamless process for all our clients.

Your camp requirement may initially be a small installation when you are conducting an initial exploration campaign. In fact this camp may need the ability to relocate should your exploration take you in a different direction. We have years of experience and knowledge at our disposal, so we know the best way to run a camp during the early stages of a project.

From drilling to production phases and finally into downstream, we understand that your requirements will change and so too your camp. That’s why we make sure that our specialist services fully accommodate the change in your operation. Planning to meet the needs of a growing camp is the key to making a successful project for both RSS and our clients.

Smooth running of your key operation goes hand in hand with a smooth running camp, where all of your crew and outside contractors are happy with the facilities and the services available. Lost workdays in this industry can cost millions of dollars, so we make sure your people are well looked after and ready for work.

No company is better placed than RSS to service the needs of the Oil and Gas industry and we have a track record to back that up.

Whether you are an operator, drilling contractor or service company, RSS can provide the ideal solution for your requirement.
