We know mining activity needs quality support services and that’s where RSS excel.
We can get a new exploration site up and running very quickly and then service that facility for a specified period. But as we know, the mining exploration business is a fluid one and inevitably plans change. Our flexibility allows us to react to changes in your requirements quickly and with little fuss.
Needs will definitely change when the exploration ends, a site is established and the production phase begins. Sites will invariably triple or quadruple in size and scope. New people, new equipment and new requirements mean new challenges for us, but not new problems for our clients.
We handle every aspect of a mining camps change of use, from a short term, low occupancy camp, to long term, high occupancy camp. Accommodation will probably change, from tents to pre-fabricated housing. You’ll need bigger kitchens and more supplies. There will be a bigger call on local resources and this may require new government permits. More people coming and going means more transport logistics and more people also means more to keep on top of. We will do it all, so all our clients need to concentrate on, is getting out of the ground what they came for.